Gaba Tea

Gaba Tea

GABA tea is a type of tea that has been specifically processed to contain higher levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is an important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. GABA tea is made from tea leaves that are shaded prior to harvest, which increases the level of GABA in the leaves.

The process of making GABA tea involves exposing the tea leaves to nitrogen gas in a process called anaerobic fermentation. This process converts glutamic acid in the tea leaves into GABA. The resulting tea has a unique taste and aroma that is often described as smooth, mellow, and slightly sweet.

GABA tea is believed to have a number of potential health benefits, including reducing anxiety and stress, improving sleep quality, and lowering blood pressure. However, more research is needed to confirm these potential benefits. GABA tea is also considered safe for consumption, but it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before adding any new supplement or beverage to your diet.

Gaba 茶,又稱為Gaba茶或Gaba烏龍茶,是一種特殊的台灣茶,具有獨特的特徵和健康益處。它得名於其中的一種神奇化合物 - GABA(γ-氨基丁酸)。

味道:Gaba 茶有豐富的水果香氣,通常伴隨著堅果的風味。這使得它成為茶葉中的一種特別美味的選擇。


發酵:Gaba 茶是通過一種厭氧發酵的過程製成的,這意味著茶葉在沒有氧氣的環境中進行發酵。這個過程有助於形成高含量的GABA。

GABA:GABA是一種氨基酸,被認為對大腦的健康有益。它可以促進放鬆、減輕壓力和焦慮,因此Gaba 茶被認為具有鎮定和抗焦慮的效果。

健康益處:Gaba 茶據稱具有多種健康益處,包括改善睡眠質量、促進消化、提高免疫系統功能等。

總的來說,Gaba 茶是一種獨特而美味的台灣茶,因其特殊的製作過程和潛在的健康益處而備受歡迎。它適合那些尋求茶葉新體驗的茶道愛好者和健康意識者。
